Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Water is the New Wine

I never thought I would write this, I was browsing through my folders and came across bottled water which I felt the need to share with you guys.  I'm updating very frequently due to a huge backlog of posts - reviews, food , restaurant(?) - that have accumulated in my Blogger, so please bear with me : ) 

Have you ever wonder Bottled water has become a booming industry in the recent years?  I know some of you guys know about this few years back but it's new to me.  Water plays an important role in the world economy. 

Shenzhen Intercontinental Bottled Water by Ganten

 It's no longer enough for you to be a wine snob; now you must also be an aqua expert, this may surprise to some.  Water can dissolve many different substances, giving it varying tastes and odors.  Humans and other animals have developed senses which enable them to evaluate the potability of water by avoiding water that is too salty or putrid. The taste of spring water and mineral water, often advertised in marketing of consumer products, derives from the minerals dissolved in it. However, pure H2O is tasteless and odorless. The advertised purity of spring and mineral water refers to absence of toxins, pollutants and microbes. in fact the truth is most people can actually develop palette to differentiate between water.

During my recent trip to China, I notice that there aren't many reliable bottled water. I wasn't sure which brand to choose, every time I was so thirst, thirsty fields under a rainless sky, when I reached the hotel's room, I was like a thirsty sponge that soak up "reliable" bottled water that bought at the nearby Walmart.

Watsons Pure Distilled Bottled Water

I am and still skeptical for bottled water in china.  I for one are concern about the safety and the regulatory quality standards.  Even though the hotel we stayed are five star awarded even though it's taste fine but I wasn't please with what bottled water they provided.

Some may argue that water once was free, or cost a few cent a glass, that it comes from river, fell from the sky but that was really ages ago.  The trend started from Europe, the Italians and French has been drinking bottled water for years. In certain part of the cities in this world, water it's not just water any more.  Did you know that sales has been growing by ten percent annually for over a decade? Much faster than any other beverages. (Soft drinks are No.1 beverages)

(Some preferred their drinks to be icy cold, my advice don't ask for ice, it's no difference if you mix with the purest bottled water, you may as well drink from a dirty glass.)

Sometimes I wonder do any of these waters actually offers real health benefit?  Can someone enlighten me on these?  None has yet been scientifically proven that they are safe and benefits to consume on daily basis.

Ganten Natural Mineral Water

Among the purest waters in the world, for instance, is the Norwegian artesian water Voss. It's taken from a virgin aquifer (translation: a very clean underground well) and bottled before it's sullied by exposed to the air. Voss, it has been said, is the No.1 nonalcoholic pick of Madonna (she won't stay in hotels that don't stock it).

Some still water that won't cloud your taste buds, like a Fuji water that comes from a rain that fell 450 years ago on pristine South Pacific island. Been told that The Rit'z water are tame compared to other choices on the market today. King Island Cloud Juice guarantee 4875 drops of Tasmanian rainwater per 375ml bottle, and Lurisia is melted Italian snow water that seeps up through a volcano rock grotto Marie Curie discovered in 1917 when she was searching for uranium. She called it "a miracle of purity" (Today company president would call it as "a miracle of profitability).

Iceberg Water in North America in fact is harvested from huge icebergs and "bergy bits" from the waters off the coast of Newfound land, Canada.

Nevertheless, soft-drink view bottled water as a treat in the future, despite 25 per cent of bottled water comes from tap water.  A restaurant typical will mark up on wine 100-150 per cent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300-500 per cent but since water is cheaper than wine, many fancier brands are not available in stores, so most diners don't notice and aware of the price.  Some hotels or restaurant will use shameless tactics include placing bottles on the table as visual marketing without listing out the price on the menu or even the bottled water.

The complete guide to butler water throughout the world - von Wiesenberger. He says "Badoit has a very gentle level of carbonation - natural and excellent with food. Volvox is light and almost sweet in taste.  Trinity is a very interesting water with silky texture.  As a boy, von Wiesenberger whose father was an investment banker, spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.  He kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best.  "Heck, my dalmatian could tell the difference between bottled and tap water," he says.  I should have invite him along during recent trip to china.

Clean drinking water is essential to humans and other lifeforms.  Access to safe drinking water has improved steadily and substantially over the last decades in almost every part of the world.  However, some observers have estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world population will be facing water-based vulnerability.  I hope that future technology and inventor will come up something to prevent existing of purify water in the world.

Source: Article by Natalie Maclean 

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