The usual are:
- The Bee; the one whom I known for decade(s) and still counting. Oh my, my Shining Armour. Without The Bee, my fairy life just would not work, on millions of levels.
- Shallow; the one who kicked me off the bed when we was a child, the first person who commented that I was FAT when I was just merely gain a few pound, hey, I was just a child then, so it is alright to have some healthy baby fat.
- Tall; the one who I spoke with annually or even biennial even though we are blood related and also the one who is supportive and live optimistic.
- Medium; the one who born with high-pitched voice, also the one that Tall loved dearly.
- Little Brat; the one who born with good social skill.
- Brat; the one who exhibits occasional temper tantrum.
- Man; the one who did “x” years of research into the woman soul, he have not yet been able to answer the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want?
- Woman; the one who changes mind so often. Man and woman should always hold hands. If man let go, she shops. She has no way of expressing herself and of realizing herself as a full human being has nothing else to turn to but the owning of material things.
- Me; of course, there’s me. A pixie who has grown into a fine… … *cough still chubby food pixie =)